Antonio Vargas Vilardosa – Lawyer
Areas of specialization:
- Intellectual Property.
- International Law.
- Business Law.
- Administrative Law.
- Bachelor of Law, University of Zaragoza, 1995.
- Master’s degree in International Law, Foreign Trade and International Relationships, Higher Institute of Law and Business.
Professional Experience:
- Director of the law firm Vargas Vilardosa Abogados.
- President of the Intellectual Property Department for the Bar of Zaragoza.
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Internet and New Technologies Law Department for the Bar of Zaragoza.
- Member of the Board of Directors for the Spanish delegation of the Eurojuris International law firms association.
- Member of the International Association for Industrial Property Defence.
- Director of delegation for the Chamber of Commerce of Brazil – Spain, in Aragon.
- Contributor of the legal newspaper “Legal Today”.
- Professor of Intellectual Property Law for Master’s degrees in legal practice, held in the Law School of Zaragoza.
- Professor of Digital Signature Guidelines Course aimed at lawyers in the Bar association of Zaragoza.
- Professor of the Master’s degree in International Law, Foreign Trade and International Relationships at the Higher Institute of Law and Business. Teaching classes about “Processing and defence of Intellectual Property Rights on an international stage”.
- Speaker in the second Private International Law Millenium Contest, organised by Millenium Platform and the Law School at the University of Zaragoza, with the presentation “Industrial Property on an international stage”.
- He has collaborated within the area of International Law in the Master’s degree of Foreign Trade in the University of Zaragoza.
- Spanish.
- English.
- French.
- Portuguese.